all postcodes in EC1V / LONDON

find any address or company within the EC1V postcode district

Postcode Area

EC / East Central London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EC1V 1AS 1 1 51.531481 -0.103134
EC1V 1JB 18 5 51.526527 -0.087713
EC1V 1JH 1 1 51.527951 -0.08898
EC1V 1JN 13 11 51.528355 -0.091197
EC1V 1JQ 2 2 51.529313 -0.094678
EC1V 1JT 2 1 51.528754 -0.092899
EC1V 1JX 2 2 51.530054 -0.097758
EC1V 1LA 55 3 51.530412 -0.099174
EC1V 1LH 36 0 51.530897 -0.100967
EC1V 1LJ 27 6 51.531052 -0.101653
EC1V 1LQ 6 0 51.531049 -0.100341
EC1V 1LR 32 28 51.531282 -0.102523
EC1V 1NA 12 1 51.531626 -0.103792
EC1V 1NB 2 2 51.531514 -0.103381
EC1V 1NE 2 2 51.531804 -0.104779
EC1V 1NG 1 1 51.531804 -0.104779
EC1V 1NH 1 1 51.531981 -0.10519
EC1V 1NQ 14 13 51.532222 -0.105079
EC1V 1AW 1 1 51.528153 -0.090257
EC1V 1NW 1 1 51.531589 -0.103721